Friday, May 6, 2011


After my last post I started to worry that I was jumping the gun a bit. After all, what hipster is going to leave the comfort of Starbucks to risk a possible squirrel attack... or even worse, a tan? Than a miracle happened. All of my Joe Rogan-esque paranoid delusions were completely justified with one simple walk on the D&R Canal. Coming from the direction of Princeton on a fixed geared bike was an honest to god hipster.

I could tell It was a hipster from its cutoff shorts and baggy tank top, but the fact that this lost soul was riding a fixed gear road bike on a dirt path was perhaps the greatest gift of all. Not only is it completely impractical, its down-right unnecessary. There is no reason on earth to ride a bike down that path except for leisure. It's not like there is anything in Griggstown New Jersey that a hipster would need. I do realize that without proof I'm just a rambling wreck, like a UFO abduct-ie or a vegan, so I did my best to grab a quick snapshot of this crazy diamond but I was too late.

Terrible photograph I know. But does it really matter? Maybe wonders of nature don't need to be photographed. Maybe just the idea that what your looking at is real can be enough.